You have a way of explaining my unexpressed feelings, but with so much beauty and wisdom! That twitchy feeling is all too familiar. I love your witchy black hourglass. A beautiful container for writing time. It makes me think how much of my word/time tracking is part of that desire to have contained writing space and time.
Hi Bronwen! I saw your talk at the creative writing class at Vancouver Writers Fest. I loved it so much! It made me want to look you up. I love what you writer here!
I'm a single mom of 2, also. And a writer! So I relate so much to everything you talk about.
I love your timer! I bought myself something called a "time timer". They use it for kids with ADHD so they can visualize the time. it really helps!
What I tell myself is: This hour is sacred and it's for production only. Zero consumption. So I stay away from any screens for that time. I also light a candle! Which makes the sacred feel even more sacred.
Hi Ani! Thanks so much for taking the time to track me down. :) It's lovely to hear that you enjoyed the Vancouver Writers Fest event. The "time timer" looks like a great way to make your sacred hour visible. Let me know how the soup comes out!
Aww, I miss Shut Up and Write! There's a sort of Zoom version here called "Chat and Write" but it is sadly lacking in mathematicians, historians, and people complaining about Plan.
Let me know how your beautiful sea stew comes out!
You have a way of explaining my unexpressed feelings, but with so much beauty and wisdom! That twitchy feeling is all too familiar. I love your witchy black hourglass. A beautiful container for writing time. It makes me think how much of my word/time tracking is part of that desire to have contained writing space and time.
Thanks so much, Jill. And yes, so much of this is about making shapes and spaces that can support us.
Hi Bronwen! I saw your talk at the creative writing class at Vancouver Writers Fest. I loved it so much! It made me want to look you up. I love what you writer here!
I'm a single mom of 2, also. And a writer! So I relate so much to everything you talk about.
I love your timer! I bought myself something called a "time timer". They use it for kids with ADHD so they can visualize the time. it really helps!
What I tell myself is: This hour is sacred and it's for production only. Zero consumption. So I stay away from any screens for that time. I also light a candle! Which makes the sacred feel even more sacred.
I'm gonna try your soup!! Looks amazing.
Big hugs - Ani
Hi Ani! Thanks so much for taking the time to track me down. :) It's lovely to hear that you enjoyed the Vancouver Writers Fest event. The "time timer" looks like a great way to make your sacred hour visible. Let me know how the soup comes out!
We had an hourglass for the first iteration of Shut Up and Write at the library. It was really great, I miss working like that!
And I think I'll try that recipe out this weekend! :)
Aww, I miss Shut Up and Write! There's a sort of Zoom version here called "Chat and Write" but it is sadly lacking in mathematicians, historians, and people complaining about Plan.
Let me know how your beautiful sea stew comes out!
Oh, I like your hourglass a whole lot. What a good idea. Maybe I'll get myself one this winter.
Do it! 🖤 (Unless you think Ivy will claim it for her own unholy purposes).
That's great to hear, Smita. Thanks for reading!