The index cards forced a measure of economy, since I couldn’t explain the nuance of a study or wax poetic, and taping them up meant I could easily move things around and see the relationship between the parts. Color coding, with one color index card for memoir and another for research, helped me to think about the balance between the different materials I was using.
thanks for sharing this, Bronwen!
Those notecards!! 💕
It's my brain on a wall! 😂🤯
And that tiny Airbnb view! A writer’s dream!
Truly! Off-season Beach is my favorite 😊
So useful to see how Nancy did this! I’m a huge fan of her writing and teaching and can’t wait for the book.
thank you, Amy! you know I love to really get into the nitty gritty of process!
Love reading about process of other writers that are wonderful variations on a theme: finding ways to create order out of creative chaos! ❤️❤️❤️